
The Applied Physics Minor provides students with physics experience that will complement their chosen major(s). This concentration in physics may give students an advantage when applying for certain technical positions of employment or graduate programs.

The minor will consist of at least 18 hours, comprised of  the following three core subjects (12 hours):

PHY 2439. UNIVERSITY PHYSICS I. The first semester of a two-semester, calculus-based sequence in classical physics for mathematics, physical science, pre-engineering or engineering students. Topics include vector mechanics and kinematics.  Three hours of lecture and one two-hour laboratory period per week. Fall, odd years. Co-requisite: MAT 2451. Four semester hours.

PHY 2449. UNIVERSITY PHYSICS II. Continuation of PHY 2439, covering topics in thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism. Three hours of lecture and one two-hour laboratory period per week. Spring, even years. Prerequisites: PHY 2439 and MAT 2451. Four semester hours.

ENS 2403. STATICS AND DYNAMICS.  Statics:  Force- and moment-vectors; equivalent force-couple systems; force equilibrium and free body diagrams; trusses, beams, and cables; dry frictional forces; centroids, distributed loads, and hydrostatic loading; moments of inertia. Dynamics: Position, velocity, and acceleration; Newton’s laws of motion; linear and curvilinear motion; particle and rigid body kinematics; linear and angular momentum; work-energy; elastic impact and impulse-momentum; vibrations and periods of oscillation.  Four hours lecture per week.  Spring.  Prerequisites: Physics 2439 (University Physics I) and credit or concurrent enrollment in MAT 2461 (Calculus II).  Four semester hours.

And at least 6 hours chosen from:

ENS 3331.  THERMODYNAMICS.  Introduction to the fundamental principles of classical engineering thermodynamics. Application of mass and energy balances to closed and open systems including systems undergoing transient processes.  Entropy generation and the second law of thermodynamics for closed and open systems.  Introduction to phase equilibrium and chemical reaction equilibria. Ideal solution behavior.  Three hours lecture per week.  Fall. Prerequisites: PHY 2449 (University Physics II), CHE 1489 (General Chemistry II), and MAT 2461 (Calculus II).  Three semester hours.

ENS 3359.  MECHANICS OF FLUIDS.  Fundamentals of fluid flow.  Conservation laws for mass, momentum and mechanical energy.  Flow of fluids in conduits and past immersed bodies.  Newton’s laws of viscosity, momentum transport, laminar and turbulent flow.  Velocity profiles, piping systems, pumping and mixing.  Three hours lecture per week.  Spring.  Prerequisites: ENS 2403 and MAT 3361 (Calculus III).  Three semester hours.

ENS 4309.  RESEARCH PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING. Implementation of an engineering research proposal via design of an experiment(s), collecting and analyzing data, drawing logical conclusions from the data, and formulating an approach to solve the problem. Such might entail student internships with an outside company.  Spring.  Prerequisites: Credit or concurrent enrollment in ENS 4100.  Three semester hours.

CHE 3311, 3321. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY I, II. A two-semester study of the physical properties and structure of matter together with chemical interactions from the perspectives of thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, chemical kinetics and symmetry. Three hours lecture per week. CHE 3311, Fall, odd years; CHE 3321, Spring, even years. Prerequisite: CHE 1489, MAT 2451, PHY 1419. Three semester hours each.

CHE 3119, 3129. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LABORATORY I, II. An introduction to the equipment, methods and laboratory skills needed in modern physical chemistry. Four hours of laboratory per week. CHE 3119, Fall, odd years; CHE 3129, Spring, even years. Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent enrollment in CHE 3311 or 3321. One semester hour each.

Courses that have been counted as part of another major or minor cannot be counted towards the Applied Physics minor.

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